Categories: Alanya Lawyer

Crime Of Impropriety Article Of Law

(1) a public official who instigates a person to benefit himself or anyone else by abusing the influence provided by his / her duty, or to make promises in this way, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of five to ten years. The existence of the invention shall be accepted in the event that the person has provided benefits to the public official or to the person to whom he or she will direct, feeling compelled, in the face of the unfair attitudes and behaviors of the public official, with the concern that the person will not be seen at all or at least in time, as is
(2) a public official who convinces a person to benefit or make a promise in this way by fraudulent acts committed by abusing the Trust provided by his / her duty shall be sentenced to imprisonment of three to five years.
(3) in the case that the crime defined in the second paragraph is committed by taking advantage of the fault of the person, a prison sentence of one to three years shall be imposed.
(4) taking into account the value of the interest claimed and the economic situation of the victim, the penalty to be given in accordance with the above paragraphs can be reduced to half.

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